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Universal body balm

Vendor code: 563

a Balm that contains a complex of the most active botanicals, helps to alleviate discomfort sensations of various origins.

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Universal body balm

Vegetable balsam for the whole family that can become your indispensable companion and assistant in many occasions. If you are looking for an assistant who:

  • will help to relieve fatigue after physical exertion, heavy lifting and when hypothermia;
  • due to the rich complex of extracts of medicinal herbs will have a marked warming and relaxing effect;
  • contribute to stress relief.

Then this balm should always be in your home. His extensive property to determine its unique composition:

  • fir oil – a wonderful wound-healing, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent;
  • castor oil softens the skin and restores natural level of moisture, forms a protective film on the skin;
  • camphor has a vasoconstrictor effect, contributing to the sputum and to improve the respiratory function of the lungs;
  • seaweed extract stimulates renewal of the epidermis, removes excess tissue fluid;
  • dry extract of thyme has an antiseptic effect, effective for joint and muscle rheumatism, bruises, rashes noninfectious nature;
  • concentrate white clover has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, diaphoretic, demulcent and wound-healing properties;
  • dry extract of oak bark has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties;
  • tannin in the composition causes the main tanning action, inhibits inflammation and reduces pain;
  • concentrate hops have a calming, anticonvulsant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and light sedative action;
  • concentrate Angelica strengthens the heart, stimulates blood circulation and has a positive effect on the immune system;
  • concentrate Potentilla has strong antiseptic and healing action;
  • concentrate bergenia is a wonderful healing tool in the treatment of skin ulcers and inflammation, poorly healing wounds. Having styptic and disinfectant action;
  • dry nettle extract is wound healing, diuretic and General tonic. Effective in almost all diseases of the skin;
  • concentrate the mother-and-stepmother has an enveloping, soothing, restorative, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic properties;
  • extract Salsola Collina has a tonic and antioxidant action;
  • sea buckthorn oil perfectly regenerates tissue, moisturizes, heals wounds, promotes rapid healing of sunburns;
  • concentrate peony is effective as an external tool for fractures and contusions;
  • eucalyptus oil has anti-inflammatory effect, positively affecting all body organs. A good antiseptic;
  • pine oleoresin is a powerful natural antiseptic that stimulates the immune system and has antibacterial properties.
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