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Chaynyy napitok «Black tea for black tie»

Vendor code: 951

Ivan tea prevents premature aging, reduces toxicity, improves blood composition. Rich in vitamin C, mineral macro - and trace elements.

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Chaynyy napitok «Black tea for black tie»

Who needs this traditional Russian tea

part of the tea drink contains exclusively the leaves of willow-herb angustifolia. No other artificial components, flavors, flavor enhancers or dyes here. Vegetable raw materials for the beverage is a natural domestic fireweed, also known as fireweed or koparka. Last name fireweed was under the name of an ancient Russian settlement of Koporye, which was founded near the Gulf of Finland in the beginning of the XIII century. It is here and was created the technology of obtaining herbal tea from the leaves and inflorescences of fireweed.

Collected, processed, and packaged by hand Ivan-tea has many beneficial properties:

  • the most powerful anti-inflammatory effect among the investigated plants of European Russia;
  • an enveloping effect due to the content of tannins and polysaccharides;
  • cytotoxic and antitumor activities due to substance generalom;
  • antiviral properties;
  • efficiency in the fight against allergies and swelling;
  • a sedative effect, useful in the treatment of neuroses;
  • a huge amount of vitamin C (more than lemon).

Finally, tea of fireweed is simply delicious, and will delight you with a slightly tart and sweet floral aroma. Ivan-tea is a delicious and healthy gift of our native wildlife.

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