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Tea "Beloyar" No. 10 Diuretic

Vendor code: 920

Rich in substances which are used as a means of preventing inflammatory processes in the urogenital area.

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Tea "Beloyar" No. 10 Diuretic

recommended tea to improve kidney

Herbal ingredients tea No. 10 contribute to the maintenance of electrolyte balance and blood purification, strengthening its filtration and adsorption of fluids in the kidneys. "Beloyar" Diuretic required for those who wish:

  • to accelerate the excretion of toxic substances;
  • to get rid of puffiness of tissues;
  • to support the work of the urinary system;
  • to ensure the prevention of inflammatory lesions of the urinary organs.

tea Composition No. 10:

  • grass violets – a diuretic, which is capable of effectively disinfecting the urinary tract and to remove inflammation due to high content of salicylic acid;
  • elecampane root – stimulator of blood filtration in the kidney;
  • juniper – a diuretic and antiseptic, useful for kidney stones and cystitis;
  • grass bird Highlander, contributing to a partial chemical softening kidney stones;
  • Ivan-tea, effective in inflammatory diseases of the prostate and other organs of the urogenital system in men;
  • chaga mushroom, which has antispasmodic, diuretic and antimicrobial action;
  • laminaria is rich in alginic acid, which binds and excretes through the kidneys, a number of heavy metals;
  • cumin is a great source of micronutrients necessary for normal kidney;
  • Apple extract, which contains adsorbents-pectin and vitamin C and also gives a mild diuretic effect.
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