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2 reviews

Thalasso hot gel

Vendor code: 528

Warming fitosterolami gel wraps for the correction on the basis of sea algae, natural honey and mustard powder.

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Thalasso hot gel
2 reviews

the activity of the components of the composition warming gel Seaweed Gel Hot is aimed at improving metabolism, breakdown and excretion of fat, the nutrition of the skin and subcutaneous tissues with vitamins and minerals. It will be a great addition to most programs for the care of the body. Gel cares not only about your beauty but about your health. He performs a wide range of functions that:

  • activate the processes of metabolism, excrete toxins, and increase metabolism, intensively stimulating the breakdown;
  • eliminate congestion in the tissues and fight off cellulite;
  • have a vasodilator, warming and analgesic effect;
  • provide smoothing and strengthening of lost skin tone, soften, improve the density and elasticity of the epidermis.

Fitosterolami gel contains a large range of useful components:

  • kelp is a storehouse of valuable elements and beneficial compounds in bioavailable form. Active ingredients of kelp have moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, regenerating, antioxidant, tonic and healing properties;
  • fucus – contain unique, having no analogues among terrestrial plants, the set of macro - and microelements, vitamins. Stimulates the metabolism, stimulates the renewal processes in the skin and lipolysis and to eliminate cellulite;
  • aloe helps skin regeneration, increases collagen synthesis and elastin, restores the pH balance. Promotes cell renewal, improves blood circulation, saturates skin cells with the necessary amount of moisture;
  • honey – perfectly nourishes and softens the skin, revitalizes it, promotes cell regeneration and has healing properties. Slows down the oxidizing processes in the cells of the epidermis, slows aging and fights wrinkles;
  • mustard – has a comprehensive positive effect on the human body: accelerates cell regeneration, slows down aging processes, restores microcirculation and lymphatic flow, accelerates metabolic processes;
  • copper chlorophyll derivatives are immunomodulators, have antiseptic, antifungal and blood-forming effect. Stimulate skin regeneration, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal actions.
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