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2 reviews

Kasha from Russia "Roghy"

Vendor code: 715

Delicious porridge from sprouted rye has a unique composition of each grain cereal contains a storehouse of nutrients, indispensable for the functioning of the body.

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Kasha from Russia "Roghy"
2 reviews

recommended for natural rye porridge

This product does not contain no dyes, no artificial additives, but only sprouted rye grain can be used for a healthy diet every day! Its components will contribute to:

  • strengthening the immune defense of the body;
  • proper development of the fetus during pregnancy;
  • optimize the digestive system;
  • maintaining normal body weight;
  • improve the General condition and efficiency when high mental or physical activity.

Sprouted rye from which this option is Kasha from Russia is 100%, contains:

  • folic acid, dramatically reducing the number of pathologies of intrauterine development of the child;
  • vitamin C increases antioxidant protection and is necessary for normal immune function;
  • fiber, which improves bowel function by stimulating peristalsis;
  • rich in vitamins and mineral complex is needed for all types of metabolism in the body;
  • vegetable amino acids, including indispensable basis for any synthesis of proteins
  • simple carbohydrates, needed to maintain energy balance.
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