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Energy Juice Set (Pear)

Vendor code: 740

The ingredients in this drink are a carefully selected mix of natural biostimulants to help you stay full of energy during the day.

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Energy Juice Set (Pear)

Thanks to the seaweed rich in iodine, the drink is suitable for those who:

  • leads an active lifestyle, goes in for sports and feels the shortage of energy;
  • undergoes intensive mental workload;
  • wants to strengthen his/her physical and mental abilities;
  • intends to improve anti-stress and over-fatigue protection;
  • wants to retain working ability and productivity during the entire day.

Energy Juice comprises:

  • Vertera seaweed gel (laminaria, contains 43 trace and macronutrients and Vitamins А, Е, С, РР and В);
  • Fruit juices (Energy Juice features three popular tastes: pears, apples and grapes);
  • Eleutherococcus extract, guarana extract, L-carnitine, taurine.
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